Past Projects

Schools 2030 Project

We implemented this under Education programme from 2021 to 2022. The project aimed at fostering knowledge, improving skills, and inculcating Values and attitudes to enhance the education system and learning processes among children of school-going age through community involvement. It also aimed at nurturing positive relationships with the education stakeholders and beneficiaries by strengthening partnerships and action steps towards getting schools and education stakeholders to generate new insights and collaborations towards the Sustainable Development Number 4 (Quality Education) by 2030.

Through the project, DAYO partnered with school management boards to develop joint work plans for implementation in the two selected schools. We later trained and mentored educators of the Primary School Children for eight (8) days at Maweni Secondary School in Nyali Sub-county and St. Michaels Secondary School in Kisauni Sub-counties of Mombasa County. We also used participatory approaches to understand the learning needs among the learners on Drug and substance abuse, Relationships Management and Goal Setting and Prevention of Violence

We reached 109 people (M- 37, F-71, and PWD - 1) through this project. Out of these, Eighty Four students (42 in each school: 24 F and 18M) were trained using mentorship and experiential learning approach in life skills and prevention of violent extremism. Through the collaborative way of working, the project complimented the government efforts in countering violent extremism by integrating peace clubs into the school-based Life Skills clubs thus integrating peace clubs at St. Michael's and Maweni Secondary Schools in Mombasa County. The project also enhanced the sustainability efforts by integrating the activities in the normal school club activities. The students involved in the mentorship sessions would also serve as change agents and cascade the information learned among their colleagues after the project period.