Past Projects

Shrinking the Space against Violent Extremism Thriving (SAVET) Project

Shrinking the Space against Violent Extremism Thriving (SAVET) Program was a 3 years funded Program from 2020-2022 implemented by a consortium consisting of Coast Interfaith Council of Clerics Trust as a Prime Recipient and 5 Sub Recipients (Mpeketoni Conservation and Beautification Youth Group, Council of Women Clergy, Manyatta Youth Entertainment, Dream Achievers Youth Organization and Lamu Youth Alliance) with Funding from Global Community Engagement Resilience fund (GCERF)

The project promoted both religious and social values of productivity, self-dependence (Kijana ni Kujituma) inter-dependence and tolerance to diversity among youth to prevent Violent Extremism in Coastal Regions of Kenya. Through training to increase knowledge and skills, the project exposed the youth to numerous economic opportunities for self-dependence. It also promoted community social cohesion through joint activities including games, art and theatrical performances.

The youths had opportunities to interact with religious leaders, community elders, government officials, political leaders, business owners, civil society organization and youthful role models (Peace Champion Initiatives) for exposure, mentorship, partnership and collaborations. This gave them an opportunity to share their views, experiences, gain important knowledge about social and economic opportunities. They learnt new skills and received mentorship and motivation for positive and aggressive living. This helped in reducing their vulnerability to violent extremism.

DAYO carried P/CVE training for youth leaders on intra/inter religious strategies and community strategies. We also carried out activities aimed at increasing knowledge and awareness for community youths on the impact of violent extremism at the coast and exploring effective strategies to prevent or counter its activities in the community. Other activities included Inter- ward Games (Swimming and Football) completions for community cohesion building, Community youth peace theatres on religious, ethnic tolerance, prevention and countering of violent extremism. DAYO also installed graffiti / murals targeting youths with messages for countering violent extremism at different hotspots. We also held an annual Youth Peace Summit

To improve resilience against violent extremism among youth, DAYO held Community Business Clinics to support youths in business and identify potential youths for business trainings and support. We also carried out Training on entrepreneurship skills and financial literacy in addition to business and entrepreneur mentorship, coaching and follow up for the trained youths. This set of activities ended with an Annual Youth Economic Summit in 2022