Past Projects

TUSOME: Early Grade Reading Improvement Project

Also under our Education Programme, this was a youth grant from USAID through RTI for the implementation of an innovative learning aid program for APBET pupils in class 1, 2 and 3 within Mombasa in Kenya. The project aimed at improving school environment for the class 1, 2 and 3 pupils from APBET within the selected cluster by improving the quality of teaching and engagement of parents, the Childs' community (parents/primary caregivers, community leaders/resource persons) as well as improving government policies and their implementation for the pupils to enroll, attend, stay in school and improve their reading ability

One key achievement was securing the support and buy-in of parents following sensitization on the importance of Redesigned Remedial Program plus the expected outcomes. Secondly, absenteeism reduced in Bamka and Olives as the parents stated an improvement in literacy skills as envisioned by the project. “Siku hizi wanajua kuunganisha maneno, ni rahisi na twasikia wakiongea kizungu (My child can now speak fluent English, this is evident in my child's coherent word structure) shared parents from Olives Rehabilitation Center. “Ever since my daughter began the program I have seen improvement in her reading, she is now able to read words with little or no difficulties” another parent from Magogoni Primary School added.

The community libraries at the learning centres proved to be a sustainable way of improving literacy levels of learners not only in the 4 centers but also in the neighboring schools. “The community library here in Bamka preparatory has enabled us to easily access a variety of books which we use to improve literacy levels of our students” Commented a teacher from Azhar Shariff during the parents' sensitization meeting. The project also succeeded in building the collaborative partnerships between the neighboring schools. The Center Manager of Happy Junior Academy stated thus. “We benefited from the Tusome program before our school was chosen as a learning center, and now that we are a center we can assist learners from neighboring schools to access the remedial and supplementary books”. Teacher Judy from Bamka Preparatory School also stated.